Category: Uncategorized

  • Disaster, gender and climate change

    Disaster, gender and climate change

    Climate change is already increasing the intensity and magnitude of natural hazards such as floods,storms, droughts and other severe weather events. These impacts are expected to worsen in the future.Sea levels may rise, low-lying delta areas might be flooded and salt-water intrusion may increase.Although natural disasters happen all over and they have a much greater…

  • Energy, gender and climate change

    Energy, gender and climate change

    Energy consumption is a key contributor to climate change and features prominently in climate debates. The energy sector accounts for 60% of total greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Though there is a need for a significant reduction, energy consumption is actually increasing, mostly due to the rapidly growing economy. At the same time, many people in…

  • Water, gender and climate change

    Water, gender and climate change

    Water sustains human life and underpins many human activities. Deteriorating water qualityand increasing frequency and intensity of floods pose major challenges for societies. Changingseasonal and regional rainfall patterns will influence the availability of water resources.The impacts of climate change on water resources and the water cycle, as well as theavailability of water in sufficient quantity…

  • Tourism, gender and climate change

    Tourism, gender and climate change

    Lorem ipsum dolor Tourism is one of the most important industries. It is also one of the main generators ofincome. In the last few decades, the tourism industry has grown significantly and, as a labourintensive industry, has given rise to a multitude of new employment opportunities. On theother hand, however, the huge infrastructural and resource…

  • Consumption, gender and climate change

    Consumption, gender and climate change

    Climate Change is caused by carbon-intensive and unsustainable ways of production andconsumption. GHG emissions occur at all stages of the production, transportation, utilizationand disposal of commodities and are thus closely linked to patterns and levels of consumption.In turn, climate change will increasingly impact people’s ways of consuming goods as resourcesbecome scarce and commodities more costly…