Biodiversity gender and climate change

Biodiversity gender and climate change

Climate change influences the rich variety of life on earth, and even small changes in climatic
conditions can have extensive consequences for biodiversity. A number of climate change
impacts on biodiversity have already been observed and are expected to increase in the future: species shifting habitats, changes in distribution and life cycles, reproduction timings and
growing seasons for plants, as well as the development of new physical traits. Due to the drastic effects of rapid climate change, many species will be unable to adapt. Additionally, the effects of human interference in ecosystems – such as over-harvesting, pollution and the introduction
of invasive species – reduce the resilience of ecosystems and thereby render the environment
more vulnerable to the threats of climate change.

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Gender dimensions

The gendered division of labour influences the way resources are used and where the benefits
of these resources flow. Men’s and women’s different roles in family and community in terms
of labour, property rights and decision-making processes generate different knowledge and
skills in relation to biodiversity and ecosystems. Rural populations living in poverty depend on
natural resources to meet 90% of their needs. Further, about 80% of the population depends
upon traditional medicine to meet basic health needs.
In many places, women’s traditional role as household managers relies on biodiversity.
Women’s responsibilities in relation to food and medicine, housing material and livestock are
dependent on local natural resources. Women collect plants and animals to feed their families,
provide medical treatment and supplement the family income. This requires specific knowledge
about natural resources – for example, information about which species of plants and animals
are edible, what they can be used for, how they should be prepared, and where and when to
find them. Thus, women can be particularly affected when biodiversity is destabilized as a
result of climate change.
Successfully conserving biodiversity depends upon the active involvement of local and
indigenous communities and on promoting gender equity. Projects that integrate both of these
factors are not only more effective and balanced; they also strengthen the social formation of
Groups such as Women United for Diversity to describe the extracting, patenting and selling of
women’s local knowledge for the benefit of industry and research institutions. Processes that
involve and enhance cycles of exploitation, commercialization, biodiversity deprivation and
poverty undermine women’s knowledge and status. The access to and control over resources
thereby linked to women’s struggle for autonomy and sovereignty.
Men and women have different needs, interests, knowledge, and behaviour that shape
conservation initiatives. This is an important aspect to consider when designing projects,
conducting appraisals, allocating budgets, and analyzing sensitive indicators to evaluate project
Due to widespread traditional gender discrimination, women’s experiences have been excluded
from decision making and most representational venues. Accordingly, women’s knowledge and
skills in managing natural resources and biodiversity are poorly considered and represented in
the public domain / in democratic processes.

Our Response

Unlike the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, the Convention on Biological Diversity mentions
women’s roles. Nevertheless, its implementation requires a greater focus on gender.
Greater recognition must be given to the role of women in natural resource use, management
and conservation.
There is a need to include women in all efforts to conserve biodiversity. The importance of the
knowledge possessed by women, including their right to use local plants and other natural
resources, must be recognized. How can we prevent such knowledge – which is currently
largely unrecorded and unrecognized – from being lost? In the context of climate change,
women’s biodiversity knowledge becomes even more vital as it may hold keys to adaptation
and survival.
We need to raise awarenes about the potential wealth of women’s contributions in all forums
and institutions dealing with biodiversity. Conservation efforts need to draw on the principles
of social justice, equity and equality.