Consumption, gender and climate change

Climate Change is caused by carbon-intensive and unsustainable ways of production and
consumption. GHG emissions occur at all stages of the production, transportation, utilization
and disposal of commodities and are thus closely linked to patterns and levels of consumption.
In turn, climate change will increasingly impact people’s ways of consuming goods as resources
become scarce and commodities more costly due to crisis in the agricultural sector and the loss
of arable land.
Consumption patterns differ significantly between regions. In Uganda, consumption is closely
tied to questions of survival and poverty narrows the range and level of what people consume
while causing other environmentally degrading behaviours. But also in some areas, an
expanding consumer culture has led to unsustainable consumption patterns which include an
ever growing demand for carbon-intensive luxury goods and which are pushing the planetary
The production, processing, packaging and transport of food are a major source of GHG
emissions. The livestock sector alone is causing 14.5% of all emissions according to FAO data
and a high consumption of meat is a common feature in the consumerist lifestyles of rich
nations. But not only the consumption of food is relevant in the context of climate change,
every consumer decision from the use of energy, to the purchase of clothing and electronic
items to individual mobility is linked to GHG emissions. Thus, individual behaviour matters.
But analysis of consumption patterns and their impacts on climate cannot stop at the level of
the individual consumer. It requires the overall challenging of the capitalist system and its
demand for continuous economic growth and expanding demand for commodities.
Gender dimensions
Consumption and lifestyle patterns don’t only differ between communities, but between region
(especially between urban and rural areas), class, age and gender. Differences in consumption
between women and men hold true on a national level. Two major factors contribute to this
difference: the gendered division of labour and the gendered access to income and wealth.
Gendered difference in consumption are visible when it comes to the amount and types of
goods that are purchased and used as well as in patterns of mobility. Women bear the brunt of
care-work and are thus playing active roles in the choosing, purchasing, using and disposing of
goods related to the household, such as food, clothing and household articles. Men on the
other hand tend to buy expensive capital goods such as cars, electronic devices and real estate
Having smaller incomes and less leisure time than men due to care-giving responsibilities,
women generally consume less in comparison to men in the same geographical and social
Besides, women have a greater tendency to make more sustainable consumption choices, e.g.
eating less meat or a showing preference for organic food.

There is also strong evidence that women place greater emphasis on and are more open
towards behaviour and lifestyle changes in combating climate change while men tend to rely
more on technological solutions.
Our Response
In order to transform lifestyles and consumption patterns to become environmentally sound
and less carbon-intensive, we need a deeper acknowledgement and understanding of gendered
differences in consumption.
Therefore, these differences need to be made visible via the provision of gender-disaggregated
data and further research on how individual consumption is linked to the gendered division of
labour, rights and resources as well as to gendered body culture and lifestyles.
Policies and strategies for sustainable consumption need to be gender-sensitive. This means
they need to acknowledge the different consumption and lifestyle patterns of women and men
while being cautious not to further increase the overall workload of women by adding the brunt
of climate change responsibilities on them.
Individual consumption and behaviour matter and lifestyle changes are vital for mitigating
climate change. But in order to genuinely transform the culture of consumption – and
especially the culture of over-consumption – the role of capitalism and its reliance on economic
growth and growing demand for goods need to be unmasked and challenged.


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